
Kansa Organics
How does the Kansa wand help in restoring balance to your Vata dosha?

How does the Kansa wand help in restoring balance to your Vata dosha?

HOW DOES THE KANSA WAND HELP IN RESTORING BALANCE TO YOUR VATA DOSHA? Are you a Vata person? Ahh.. People love you for being joyful, friendly, open-minded, and free in spirit. You embrace changes and learn easily. When your Vata dosha is balanced, you are always clear and alert.  Your balanced Vata dosha is so powerful that you are able to heal quickly by being gifted with the ability to comfortably sleep and easily wake up earlier which allows you to still work at your best under any circumstances. Some people may even compliment you for your slimmer body shape...

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Kansa Organics
How does the Kansa wand help in restoring balance to your Kapha dosha?

How does the Kansa wand help in restoring balance to your Kapha dosha?

HOW DOES THE KANSA WAND HELP IN RESTORING BALANCE TO YOUR KAPHA DOSHA? If you’re a Kapha, you know how it feels like to be complimented by people around you on how you seem to be always energetic and almost impossible to run out of positive energy within you. Some people might even think that there seems to be nothing to get you out of balance for always looking calm plus undeniably charming and compassionate. But they might not fully understand the risk of a Kapha imbalance and how easily misaligned a Kapha person’s doshic constitution can be. No matter...

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Kansa Organics
Ayurvedic Oral Hygiene: The Copper Tongue Cleaner and its Benefits

Ayurvedic Oral Hygiene: The Copper Tongue Cleaner and its Benefits

AYURVEDIC ORAL HYGIENE:  THE COPPER TONGUE CLEANER AND ITS BENEFITS Ayurveda encourages establishing our dinacharya (a consistent Ayurvedic wellness daily routine) which is based on the cycles of nature. Tongue scraping is the top hygienic practice in dinacharya for all dosha types.Ideally, one should wake up before sunrise. Prayers and meditation follow, then personal hygiene. Jihwa Prakshalana or better known these days as tongue cleaning or scraping is an Ayurvedic practice that dates back to ancient times in India. Hygiene never gets old! This is why it is still practiced now for its multiple oral and holistic benefits! Brushing our...

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Kansa Organics
Sahasrara: How to activate and balance your crown chakra

Sahasrara: How to activate and balance your crown chakra

SAHASRARA: HOW TO ACTIVATE AND BALANCE YOUR CROWN CHAKRA The seventh major chakra in ancient Hindu traditional practice is called “Sahasrara” which is located right above our head making it also known as the “crown chakra” where its energy starts radiating upwards positively connecting one’s holistic well-being. Sahasrara means “thousand-petalled” which is why it is represented by its logo with a lotus flower with one thousand, or even an infinite number of petals. Its power is believed to be stored at the seat of one’s intelligence where the individual consciousness meets the higher state of universal consciousness. It is also...

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