
Kansa Organics
Swadhisthana, Your Happy Chakra

Swadhisthana, Your Happy Chakra

Your Happy Chakra - Swadhisthana or the yellow chakra (no wonder why yellow is a happy color! This Sacral Chakra is located in the pelvic area, about 4 fingers below the belly button. It is the centre of our passion, emotion, pleasure and creativity.People with a balanced Sacra; Chakra, are expressive around them. They're like an open book. They are cheerful, emotionally healthy and stable ; they are energetic and always feel the need to connect with others and the nature around them - these people are emotionally supportive, caring, and they enjoy experiencing true joy in life through supporting...

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Kansa Organics
Muladhara - The Root Chakra

Muladhara - The Root Chakra

In the Ayurvedic tradition, 'chakra' refers to the core energy centers within our body. The seven main chakras, positioned across the backbone and reaching from the base of the spine to the head's crown, express special properties with a physical, mental, artistic and spiritual aspect.Muladhara, the red chakra, is one of the main chakras.It is located at the base of the spine (gonads). Special characteristics are a sense of belonging, survival and safety.When the root chakra is blocked, it is primarily due to anxiety and multiple aspects of trauma, sluggish and eating disorders.Psychological symptoms of root chakra blockage include: anxiety disorders,...

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Kansa Organics


THE ORIGIN OF THE KANSA WAND The Kansa wand has become one of the most sought-after tools by professionals in the beauty and wellness industry, as it’s not only a beauty tool but also a wellness tool that benefits both aspects holistically. Kansa wand is a small domed tool used to massage the face and body, energizing while reducing stress. Kansa is the healing metal in Ayurveda - a mixture of Copper and Tin. In Ayurvedic Medicine, the Kansa wand is cherished because it is said to balance the three Doshas,  THE DOSHAS There are three doshas in ancient Indian traditional medicine namely Kapha...

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Kansa Organics
PITTA: How does the Kansa wand help in restoring balance to your Pitta dosha?

PITTA: How does the Kansa wand help in restoring balance to your Pitta dosha?

HOW DOES THE KANSA WAND HELP IN RESTORING BALANCE TO YOUR PITA DOSHA? Smoking hot! Is that something you often hear about yourself? You may even wonder at times, is it your curved body they’re talking about? Or you may even chuckle at your own thoughts about your own fiery personality! Now that’s PITTA in you! Known for being represented with a powerful personality, the Pitta dosha is associated with the elements of both fire and water. Its qualities are commonly identified as hot, light, sharp, oily, liquid, and mobile.  Summer is the time of the year where we all feel...

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