News — ayurvedic oil
Kansa Organics
Be Fall-ready this season and level up your skincare routine with this magical duo!
Be Fall-ready this season and level up your skincare routine with this magical duo! Spice up and maintain the balance of your KAPHA dosha. Did you know that a daily Kansa massage with a doshic concentrated Ayurvedic oil will help you eliminate your excess dosha and even bring your wellness and skincare routines to a higher level? It isn't the Kapha season yet, but if we are not mindful of what we do and eat at the coming of cold months starting from Fall, it can affect our overall health due to the excess Vata dosha, which is also caused...
Sunni Holmberg
The Greying Effect from the Kansa Wand
Read Time: 3 minutes..Find out about the why is there a greying effect on your skin after using the Kansa wand
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