- It's okay. Sleep in a little longer. It will energize you more, and give your body the time it deserves from time to time. It's true!
- Don't forget to do meditation when you rise. It's the best way to kickstart your mode for the day.
- Practice oral hygiene with your copper tongue cleaner. This will help you get rid of toxins the first thing in the morning. What more? Tongue scraping helps clear the mind. No better way to improve mindfulness throughout the day, right?
- Got a bath tub? Ahh.. wouldn't it be refreshing to get that dip once in a while? It can be a luxury sometime, you know. Especially if we are always busy on the working days that we usually rush in the morning. Enjoy a quiet little time being still in the water. Add some extra fancy milk soap or any skincare you enjoy the most.
- Incorporate the Kansa wand into your morning skincare routine. The Kansa wand also helps pull out toxins from the skin tissues and gets rid of anxiety and other mental and emotional stress.
- Don't skip your breakfast. You've been rushing through the working days, and sometimes even skipping the first meal of the day. Not today! Prepare a rewarding meal just for you!
- Do yoga. If you regularly do this at least once a week, you'll notice how it balances you emotionally and spiritually. Your first step in leading a holistic lifestyle through Yoga and Ayurveda.
- Add some of your favorite exercise routines. Although this is a self-care day to pamper you and not exhaust you, it's neither the time for laziness! So work it out, darling!
- Keep a journal. Make this a habit to go through your journal daily. And do it in the morning on Sundays. This will help you keep track of your whereabouts, and little details and daily goals you're aiming for every day and week.
- Read a book. Or any reading materials! A magazine or anything printed. This isn't the best time for some digital reads. Today is a skip-day for that. Eye-care is self-care!
- I understand how you badly want to keep up with your favorite TV shows and movie series. Fine! If that uplifts your mood.
- Do some activities that will calm you. Ever tried drawing and coloring? You might not be that good at arts, but hey! You can find some coloring books that don't require complex creative skills.
- Eat on time. Don't delay your lunch. It's to keep you up and be more productive. Not about work, but for your self. To prioritize things that support you holistically.
- Go out for a walk in the afternoon. Got a pet? It's the best time for you two to bond more. Pets can keep us more calm.
- Listen to calming sounds. If you enjoy music, it's the best time for that!
- Hang out with friends if you must. Some of us may feel a little different about self-care. Some may prefer to be home alone, that's how some of us enjoy it more. But if you're the friendly gal, it's completely the best idea to go see your friends - people who you know support you. It completes us even more, knowing that we have people around us who actually care and support us.
- Last but not the least, take a warm bath before bedtime. And most importantly, sleep earlier. You need more energy for the entire week ahead.
Ayurveda teaches us how a daily routine makes a huge difference in our wellness, no matter what it is and how big or small it is - it definitely affects our overall health; either positively or negatively.
Over centuries, the practice of Ayurvedic wellness has proven to result in a more rejuvenated body, mind and spirit, thus nurturing mindfulness and stronger immunity.
Choose the positive way to lead a healthy, mindful lifestyle. Choose the KO way. Heal with us at Kansa Organics!
Live a mindful life, live holistically.
Start your holistic wellness journey now with the guidance of Ayurveda - the ancient legendary medicinal tradition of India practiced since 5,000 years ago.
Get our KO Starter Kit now, a.k.a the Ayurvedic Self-care Ritual Kit for 25%!
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